Maximizing Investment Success with the RPAG Scorecard

The RPAG scorecard is an indispensable tool that enhances the various stages of the investment review process. Its unique characteristics offer a strong shield to plan sponsors against their fiduciary risk by providing a well-documented, systematic method of selecting and monitoring investments. The scorecard is designed with a combination of fundamental quantitative and qualitative factors, incorporating elements like modern portfolio analysis, custom peer group rankings and much more. This provides a comprehensive platform for evaluating investment managers.
During this session, RPAG will provide a detailed explanation of the value that the scorecard brings to the investment review process. You will learn how the scorecard uses advanced analytics to evaluate funds and the value each of these analytics bring to the scorecard. Moreover, RPAG will showcase the complementary reports that can be used to provide additional insights into the performance of the funds being evaluated.
- Carina Gascon, Investment Associate
Investment Associate, Carina Gascon, provides an explanation on how to maximize investment success using RPAGs Scorecard. She highlights the Scorecards design, the value add it brings, and complimentary reports that can be used in alignment with the Scorecard.
The Scorecard System was created to score funds based on multiple criteria commonly used today by institutional investors and money managers. The result is a simple 10-point numerical scoring system that can be used to monitor funds and/or managers. Three of the Scorecard system’s objectives are to identify skillful managers, enhance investment due diligence, and minimize exposure to fiduciary liability.
There are numerous capabilities of the Scorecard. To start, it is a single and easy-to-understand number. It provides fiduciaries with a way to evaluate investments in a comprehensive manner. The Scorecard is also directly implemented into RPAGs Investment Policy Statements. Furthermore, the score serves as a useful tool to evaluate a fund's performance. Funds that score between 7-10 points are classified as "Acceptable", while those with scores ranging from 5-6 are placed on the "Watch-List." Funds that score 0-4 points are "Up for Review." This number is an easy way to pinpoint areas that require extra diligence.
Unique to RPAG and the design of the Scorecard itself, funds are categorized into three different investment strategies. These strategies are active, asset allocation, and passive. We score these funds based on both qualitative and quantitative factors. The fund’s evaluation is mostly based on quantitative factors, which contribute 80% of the total score, while qualitative factors make up 20% of the score. All scores are calculated using pass/fail metrics on a scale of 0–10, where 10 represents the highest achievable score. Active funds must have a track record of at least five years, whereas passive funds are assessed once they have accumulated a history of three years.
Within the RPAG system, you can download an Asset Class Review. This report is a visual depiction of each Scorecard analytic. It can be run throughout the site and inserted directly into Fiduciary Investment Reviews.
To summarize, the Scorecard provides immense value. It aims to find skillful managers, reduce fiduciary liability, create custom-style benchmarks and peer groups for asset allocation funds, and returns-based style analysis.
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